Located 125km West of Addis Ababa, Ambo is a town where the Lazarist Fathers have been working for over 50 years. They are involved in several projects that aim to support the local community, including:
St. Justin's Parish. Learn more about this project here.
Social Housing Project. This project began as a response to the needs of people living with leprosy, and has since built over 50 basic homes for poor families.
St. Justin's KG School.
Ambo Lazarist Deaf School.
St. Joseph's Parish, Guder, located 10km west of Ambo.
The Lazarist Fathers are well-known in Ambo and are highly respected for their genuine care of the poor. In recent years, they have become known for their work in providing education for Deaf children and for modelling early learning for pre-school children
Slide Show: Ambo

Our Marrion Group meet once a month on the feast day of Mary. They gather in each others homes, pray, break bread and share their faith with each other. They conclude the gathering by processing to the home of the next host with the image of Our Lady which resides there for the month.

Procession to home of the next host.

Our Marrion Group meet once a month on the feast day of Mary. They gather in each others homes, pray, break bread and share their faith with each other. They conclude the gathering by processing to the home of the next host with the image of Our Lady which resides there for the month.